Disability Pride Madison has a mission to help people with disabilities take pride in themselves and to show the able-bodied community what the disability community has to offer.
Disability Pride Madison has a mission to help people with disabilities take pride in themselves and to show the able-bodied community what the disability community has to offer.
We host disability focused events and spaces in Madison, WI.
We host disability focused events and spaces in Madison, WI.
Doughnation Night!
Doughnation Night!
Wednesday, April 16th
319 N. Frances St.
5-10 PM
Present this flyer on your phone at register.
Pre-ordering your pizza?
Phone order:
Call (608) 257 9248
Mention that you're supporting Disability Pride Madison
Online order:
Visit ianspizza.com or use our app
Add "Doughnation" or "Donation" after your last name